
Season to Season Community Development Corporation is a nonprofit Community Development Corporation that exist to engage in Community Economic growth activities, that shall include, housing, retail, commercial and economic development activities.

Our Vision

The Terrell Family envision a Holistic approach to community development and education. Our overall vision is to create a unique mixture of housing types and businesses that will serve as a magnet to attract both future residents and visitors eager to spend their money supporting the community the development(s) will create and stimulate.

The Economy of Well-Being

The Economy of Well-Being: Re-imagining Economic Development in a non-traditional direction.

Cyclical IllustrationThe Economy of Well-Being specifically highlights the undeniable need for putting people at the center of policy and moving away from an attitude of “grow first, redistribute and clean up later”, towards a comprehensive, holistic growth model that is equitable and sustainable from the outset.

Season To Season Community Development Corporation (S.T.S.C.D.C.) understands the very foundation of our communities and the basis for economic growth is human potential. Economic growth improves the well-being of people. The well-being of people, in turn, drives economic prosperity, stability, and resilience. Economic growth, prosperity, and stability allow a community to sustain its investments in the well-being of its people.

We believe investing in Human Capital is the key to the well-being of our communities and the future of our children. Human capital is defined as the knowledge, skills, and health that individuals accumulate over their lives. An individual’s health and education have undeniable intrinsic value and enable people to realize their potential as productive members of the community. Human capital is also associated with higher earning for individuals, higher income in the community, and a stronger cohesive society. It is a central driver of sustainable growth and poverty reduction.

S.T.S.C.D.C. will undertake a holistic approach to the economy of well-being to tackle today’s and future challenges. This approach will emphasize the importance of sectoral cooperation encompassing Industrial, Retail, and Community Development while prioritizing the role of social, gender, health, employment, education, and environmental aspects – all of which contribute to economic growth and the stability of the economy and community. This holistic approach to building human capital as a community investment will provide sufficient and sustainable solutions to a community’s challenges and highlight the importance of evaluating how different policy measures may affect the health and well-being, employability, and productivity of that community.

By investing in human capital and well-being through a comprehensive and effective action plan, innovative and unconventional benchmarking, and comprehensive data tracking and analysis, S.T.S.C.D.C. can provide direct and targeted results that will lead to a new economy focused on human health and happiness.

S.T.S.C.D.C. will measure progress “beyond GDP”, establishing a metric to measure key components of human capital in the community and strategic progress toward a community where all children can achieve their full potential.  S.T.S.C.D.C. will measure the amount of human capital that a child born today can expect to attain by their 18th birthday.  S.T.S.C.D.C. will also establish a metric to track and highlight how current health and education outcomes shape the productivity of the next generation of workers, underscoring the importance of local governments investing in the human capital of their residents.

S.T.S.C.D.C. will partner with stakeholders including economists, public policy experts, strategic planners, local schools, local and state government, community leaders, the World Bank-IMF, and Humanitarian Fund, among others. 

The Economy of Well-Being creates a cycle of prosperity in a community by focusing on addressing the community’s most basic needs alongside comprehensive economic development to create a stable, equitable, and productive community now and for years to come.  We’ll be investing in people, not just places.

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